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Preparing Students for the Future

September 25, 2019

A critical piece of the facilities master planning process at American River College (ARC) and throughout the Los Rios Community College District as a whole is a focus on the future by modernizing facilities to better prepare students and workers for good paying jobs and to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. There is no such thing as a “traditional” student or classroom anymore, so our priorities and allocation of resources must appropriately acknowledge this.

The updated Facilities Master Plan recently completed at ARC is a reflection of this reality, evidenced by the inclusion of 21 st century innovations like flexible classrooms, offering and expanding the availability of online courses and incorporating other technological advancements.

Another important priority covered in the updated Plan is providing essential job training and workforce preparation for all students and residents in our communities. ARC and the Los Rios Community College District are committed to leading the region in workforce development, a commitment laid out in the districtwide Los Rios 2016-2021 Strategic Plan. The projects identified in the facilities plan to upgrade classrooms, facilities and technology and expand access to training programs that help students learn new skills and find better paying jobs will ensure that ARC and all of Los Rios are able to make significant steps toward achieving its workforce development goal.

When our students succeed, ARC, the Los Rios Community College District, and our region as a whole succeed, which is why we are committed to providing access to the necessary skills and resources to promote this outcome.

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Los Rios Strategic Plan